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The Aims of the ISAPP European Doctorate School

Astroparticle Physics is an interdisciplinary field at the interface of particle physics, nuclear physics, cosmology and astrophysics. The field is experiencing a remarkable and fast development, both theoretically and experimentally. Since 2002 several European Institutions have set up a collaboration in order to implement the early stage training in the field of Astroparticle Physics by promoting the mobility of students and young researchers within the Doctorate Schools and by jointly organizing yearly International Schools on Astroparticle Physics (ISAPP), and other activities. The courses aim to complement and integrate the training provided by the individual doctorate schools, as well as to enhance interactions among research students from different countries. The participating Institutions facilitate, whenever possible, jointly supervised doctoral theses as well as the participation of ISAPP members in examination Committees.

Every year ISAPP organizes a 15 days or two times 10 days of intense schools, held either  in two different sites or in two consecutive events in the same site. The school is conceived as a didactic course of lectures at the level of a doctorate school. In particular, a "Vademecum" has been prepared, containing some prescriptions addressed to organizers and speakers.

Some Institutions recognize the ISAPP schools as courses of their own Doctorate School, determining the appropriate European credits, according to its own regulation, eventually after a proper check of the student learning.

The school is attended by young physicists belonging to two different areas: Elementary Particle  and Astrophysics. In order to mix better the two communities a pre-school of few days is organized through introductory lectures given in parallel.

The ISAPP schools are organized by turn in the various countries of the network.
 The physics subjects treated by turn in ISAPP concern: Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, CMB, LSS, Cosmic Rays, Early Universe, Gravitational Waves. Large time is left for discussions among students and teachers.

The ISAPP schools are open to doctorate students and young researchers from any Institution, even if not member of the network.